In May of this year I successfully completed my qualification and am very happy to be the first ich schaff’s-Coach in Luxembourg to work with children, young people and families. Ich schaff’s® (kid’s skills) is a solution-focused motivation program that helps children and young people learn skills and solve problems. This program was developed at Helsinki […]
Yes, a German DJ can become an international superstar! Robin Schulz has proved this. Born in Osnabrück (a city of almost 170,000 inhabitants in Lower Saxony), he has made it into the cercle of the greatest. Here is his latest song feat. James Blunt, including German subtitles. Enjoy listening!
Am 20. Juni 2017 um 18h30 stellt Tullio Forgiarini bei der Autorenlesung in der Cité Bibliothèque sein Buch “Lizardqueen” vor, das sich in deutscher Sprache an eher jugendliche Leser richtet. Das Buch ist das Tagebuch eines Teenagers, gestorben mit siebzehn und immer wieder eingeholt von einer Hölle, der man nicht entfliehen kann…” (s.a. Weitere Infos zur […]