- bettina@bt-coaching.lu
- +352 26 352 495
- +352 661 14 16 30
~ My motto ~
My name is Bettina Thierer, and I was born in Bielefeld, Germany. Having grown up in the Düsseldorf area, my career path saw me relocate several times before settling in Luxembourg in 2009.
Since 2008 I have worked as a freelance coach and trainer.
A graduate in business management, I honed my marketing skills over many years working for international companies in Germany, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. After taking maternity leave in Lyon (France), I worked as a trainer in the field of self-marketing, and as a coach. At the same time, I completed a training course to become a European Business Coach.
During this extensive course in coaching, I was especially fascinated by the subject of NLP* (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), and subsequently decided to train as a NLP practitioner and master alongside my freelance work.
In the meantime, I increasingly worked as a coach with children, young people and parents. This inspired me to complete a training course on the “Ich schaff’s” programme**, a solution-focused coaching programme for children and young people.
Language skills:
German (mother tongue), English, French, Luxembourgish and Dutch.
* NLP: Neuro-Linguistic Programming is defined as a school of thought and approach to communication, behaviour and change. NLP focuses on the subjective perception of each person. With the aid of NLP formats and techniques, coaching can achieve fast and lasting change, systematically modifying our thinking, feeling and behaviour to unlock our own talents and extraordinary achievements.
** “Ich schaff’s” [“I can do it”] is a solution-oriented programme for children and young people, allowing them to recognise their own resources and develop skills (see also www.ichschaffs.com)
Member of the DVNLP regional group of Rheinland Pfalz/Saarland (German Society for Neuro-Linguistic Programming [registered society])
Stressed children and young people are no longer the exception. Pressure at school, college and work is increasing. Also, issues within the family often have a detrimental effect on the performance, as well as the willingness to learn. Reactions vary widely: apathy, concentration problems, fears, playing the “class clown”, or withdrawal and “escape” into the own thoughts. In extreme cases, health problems may result.
We all have individual needs, our own learning speed and skills which need to be discovered and encouraged.
For this reason, it is important that we develop and learn to apply our individual strategies. Such strategies help us to overcome new challenges and to assert ourselves in our fast-moving and demanding world.
This is where my work starts.
The aim: To help my clients discover and use their own resources, making life and learning easier and allowing challenges to be met successfully and joyfully.
My mission is to help people to take the measures which are right for them,
at the right time and in the right place, in order to achieve lasting success and happiness.
Depending on the needs of the individual, I provide support as a coach or trainer through respectful, confidential, creative and goal-oriented cooperation.