In my new newsletter, you can find out how you can deal with this in a more relaxed way in future. You will learn a little exercise that will help you to recognise your expectations more consciously, question them and reduce misunderstandings. Click here to register: Newsletter 06/24
You have to make an important decision and your head, heart and gut can’t agree? When the head takes over and ignores the messages of the heart and gut, this can be very exhausting and unhealthy. The arguments of the heart are often not tangible or explainable. We should definitely take them seriously and include […]
In these times, we are currently living in, there are many new ways of communicating with each other that we are not (yet) used to. This also creates a great potential for misunderstandings which can have serious consequences! You can find out and practise here what you should look out for when communicating with others. […]
What we can do to ensure our childrens success during their school time Children and young people have a lot to learn! And learning succeeds best with confidence, fun and together with others. “ich schaff’s” is a problem-solving program for children and adolescents based on a solution-oriented approach. This psychological model was developed in Finland […]
Every day we are confronted with countless information, opinions and also fake news or twisted facts, we feel the consequences of the crisis first hand and a long-term solution is not yet in sight. In my new newsletter you will find out which questions will quickly give you more clarity as well as other interesting […]
Family, job, school, household, … How can you still be relaxed? Especially when it comes to our children and school, stress and conflicts arise. Discover your resources and potential in this workshop. Learn how to deal better with the “everyday madness”. Topics: – How brain and body work together – the power of thoughts and […]
What we as parents can do to ensure our childrens success during their school time Children and young people have a lot to learn! And learning succeeds best with confidence, fun and together with others. “ich schaff’s” is a problem-solving program for children and adolescents based on a solution-oriented approach. This psychological model was developed […]
Spannendes Seminar für Lehrpersonen und Erzieher/innen, die in einer luxemburgischen Primärschule in den Zyklen 2-4 tätig sind Wir alle stehen im Laufe unserer Entwicklung immer wieder einmal vor größeren Herausforderungen. Manchmal ist das mit Schwierigkeiten verbunden, die Ängste, Hilflosigkeit, Wut, oder, insbesondere bei Kindern, Lernschwierigkeiten auf bestimmten Gebieten verursachen können. In diesem praxisorientierten Workshop setzen […]